Dive into Community with those on the journey too!

Dive into Community with those on the journey too!

Private Women's group = check!
Private Men's group = you bet!
Online expert talks = of course! 
Community resources = here you go!
Fertility jobs benefit board = growing daily!

Ready to feel less alone?

scroll on if you're into it.

let's go

"Infertility can feel like such a lonely journey and it shouldn’t. You need a support group to cope with the highs and especially the lows." 

— melissa

"It was healing to talk about my experiences"

I wondered, and hoped, and prayed, and cried, and well... ALL...THE...THINGS. When was it going to be 'my turn?' It felt like never. I had completely lost hope.

Until I found it again. And you can too. You are not alone; there are real solutions to parenthood, and many avenues to get your miracle.

That feeling of longing...
I experienced the same thing.

after I finally realized that nobody was coming, and I had to be my own hero in my story, I took action.

guess what...

Featuring companies that offer fertility and family planning benefits

Need a Job with Fertility Benefits?

Updated often with new companies and benefit details



Members have access to the Hope Here benefits board

Network with other members who are employed at featured companies


Get assistance on how to pitch your employer to implement fertility benefits


Contribute information to the Benefit Board to help fellow fertility warriors


Join NOW

How It Works

Sign up and complete your membership onboarding so we know how to best serve you!

Join Haven or Huddle

Your support system awaits! What you put in is what you get out, so introduce yourself and dive in.

Jump In & Say hi

The adventure is just beginning! Haven and Huddle are new communities and you will be one of the Founding Members!

stick around

"Bethany's support and insights were pivotal during my egg freezing journey and I am forever grateful!"


Had her mind eased:

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


real results

A year from now you
may wish you started today....

So let's get you started!

Head of Ultrasound Department. Fellow infertility warrior.
Wisdom beyond.


Stephanie R. 

Being featured soon

Upcoming Speakers

Neighbor. Nurturer. Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Your Fitness Friend. Natural Sunshine.



being featured soon

Side-by-side in my long journey.
Nurse Stephanie. Expert. Boss lady. Angel on earth.


Stephanie P. 

Being featured soon

Payment Plan

Billed monthly

$27 Month

$324 Annually

12 payments of $27

One Payment 

annual billing

Get one month free! (Save $27)

$297 annually

1 payment of $297

Best Value!

select the plan that works for you:

I'm giving you access to the dream team that I have collected over the years, been fortunate to add to my community, and now call them family. With wisdom beyond their years, more stories than can be counted, and inner strength that moves mountains... I'm so excited to welcome you in and give you access to the best professionals (and hearts) in the world of fertility!

You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you know you need help to get through this. You just want someone to tell you what works.

You're in the right place.

Individuals that join the Hope Here Hub and register for the 2024 retreat will receive an exclusive bonus gift at the retreat! 

Sign up for the Hope Here Hub + 2024 Retreat and get an exclusive gift!

You got this

Go All In On


"This is your day. This is the time to go after it all.


Have a online home to land for support — both for your head, and your heart.

Increase your knowledge of fertility-focused tips & topics to help propel you forward

Connect with other members who share their stories and inspire you to perhaps try something new

Be able to ideate and identify next steps you plan on taking in your fertility journey 

Know what to say when interacting with your family, work, and well, everyone else...

Glean and/or contribute professionally to the ever-growing Benefits Board

When you become a member you will...


"I was at a very low point after two miscarriages and two failed rounds of IVF egg retrievals. I wasn’t sure what my next move should be, but I wasn’t ready to give up.

I was fortunate enough to have a friend connect me with Bethany, who was so gracious in sharing her story with me and the path she took to success.

It completely changed my approach, and for the first time I gave myself permission to really try something new."

— Kim

"That conversation was the turning point in my fertility journey that led me to success!"

"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

I'm Bethany, your new fertility cheerleader

After being told over the years by numerous medical professionals that conceiving would be difficult, and then failing IVF, and being told conceiving with my own eggs would be nearly impossible, I beat the odds. I learned a heck of a lot along the way and fell in love with helping others too.

more about me

hey there!


This 2016 photo was my 'birthday brunch' that I did not want to have. My friend Shawn (on the far right) insisted. I was so sad and depressed in that season.
I was 34 and had just failed IVF. I cried for months, and tears ran down my face throughout that brunch too.

It was also the first time, in a long time, that I let people into my painful journey, began making better nutrition choices (I remember asking the waiter there for a Gluten Free menu for the first time), and taking small steps towards finding my way back to hope.

What are the incredible difference journeying with others made in my experience after that.

And you can do it too.

but it wasn't always this way.

This membership is special because...

It's for infertility warriors, by infertility warriors

Hope Here is NOT operated by fertility clinics, and is certainly not sponsored by big pharma. Daaaaang, it's nice to just be here to serve and help hurting hearts find hope.

Equally as vital to mention (and something we're really proud of), is that we are NOT controlled by social media giants like Facebook that will put you in Facebook jail if you say something they don't agree with. What a freeing feeling!

We are pro-freedom

Want to talk about a weird thing a vaccine did to your body or your period? Unsure about the C19 vax while trying to conceive or when pregnant? Discuss away... 

We are pro-freedom.

Speech freedom.

Medical freedom.

All the freedoms!

Learn at your own pace

Ask questions re: Your journey


consider new options

This membership also includes nutritional suggestions & recipes

We've partnered with an incredible nutritional therapy practicioner who will be featured in select Hope Here LIVE events and online recourses too!

Creating life-changing habits

Building a community that will cheer you on

Attracting suggestions to help you on your journey
as you share your story with others

Learning from a dream team that will ensure your continued growth in learning options available to you

Creating and sustaining processes and systems for nutrition, stress, appointments, cycles, and more

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in-alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:


Like having a personalized fertility coach (without a heafty consulting price tag)

Having a personal fertility coach costs thousands, but joining the Hope Here community is only $27/mth! And, you not only to you get access to valuable information within the hub, you get access to monthly LIVE events, incredible speakers, fertility-forward recipes, and more!

(I basically created Hope Here to provide access to everything I WISHED I would have had on my journey from Day 1).



This      for you if:

You need to prioritize yourself

You're overwhelmed by this

You appreciate journeying together

YOU don't want to Learn or explore

you're ready to change the game

It's probably       for you if...

YOU want to stay where you're at 



It's probably
for you if...


Let's Do This Thing!

Payment Plan

Billed Monthly

$27 month

$324 Annually

12 payments of $27

One Payment 

Annual Billing

Get one month free (Save $27)

$297 Annually

1 payment of $297

Best Value!

select the plan that works for you:

I have a story of hope I think may help bring hope to others; how can I share it?

Bring hope to another person is one of the BEST gifts we can give each other in this life. If you have a personal story you'd like to share with the Hope Here community, please submit it at the bottom of this resource page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any IRL opportunities associated with the membership?

Members have early-access to sign up to the annual Hope Here retreat; however, there are no other IRL meet up's slated at this time.

What is the cancellation policy?

Due to the nature of being a virtual product, please note there are no refunds but you can cancel at anytime as desired.

Can I submit questions ahead of time for upcoming LIVE events?

Yes, members are encouraged to submit questions for consideration at least 2 days prior to an upcoming live event. Submit via email at community@hopehere.com

But what if I really want or really need one on one coaching too?

Yes - 1:1 coaching is also available outside of the membership program; if interested please email community@hopehere.com 

Will you offer different days/times for LIVE events in the future?

Yes - as we scale in 2024, I anticipate having more LIVE offerings on various days outside of Sundays.

Who can join Haven and Huddle?

Due to the sensitive nature of the topics discussed, the spaces are gender specific. Biological women are welcome to join Haven; biological men are welcome to join Huddle.

Who is considered a Founding Member?

Any member who joins in December 2023 through December 2024 is considered a Founding Member.

1 in 6

Women globally are affected by infertility


Of the global adult population are impacted


Average cycle cost of egg freezing or IVF


Primary audience age
shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your fertility journey is an important one.

Still on the fence?