Let's Build Something Incredible Together

I wish I had a private fertility coach in my first cycles, but I didn't even know it was an option. Along the way I built my fertility community that have become some of my dearest friends, holding places in my heart that are hard to speak of without tears rolling down my face. If you need the kind of support where someone just 'gets you,' I'm here.

Private coaching

The mental healing.
The physical healing.
The emotional healing.
All the things.

Is it time you finally prioritized yourself and your healing in the journey?
Girl, I know how to make that happen.

You don't have to do it alone.

real talk:

How It Works

 Book a 15 minute complimentary consult; let's see if we're a good fit and how I can help.


 Schedule your first coaching call, select a payment option, and complete the intake form.


We dive in for three months of work together to help move your mind, body, soul, and life forward.


Ten years ago, I was broken and tired and overwhelmed.

I had just purchased my first home and couldn't wait to bring a baby into this beautiful nursery. The room that was once a happy, hopeful dream later became a really sad place I didn't even want to open the door to. 

While in that home, I failed IVF. All my eggs degenerated and died. I could not even make embryos. I never brought a baby into that nursery, and the house was eventually sold, but the yellow chair was kept in hope...

I thought I would never get to rock my baby in that chair. But years later, I did. There's SO much I've learned between that moment and now.

i can help because i've been there


Here's What You Need

safe place to share and learn

There's an overwhelming amount of information when you're going through infertility and it's daunting. I get it. I'll hold your hand through it.

Better accountability

You're busy with life, your job and everything in-between. It's hard to focus on what you know you need to be doing to help move you FORWARD. I got you.

Encouragement to keep going

The mind battle plays a huge part in this tough journey. Encouragement is my middle name (ok, 'Joy' is...IYKYK!) Let's strengthen your spirit, and help restore hope where your heart feels hopeless. There is always hope.

“Bethany's support and insights were pivotal during my egg freezing journey and I am forever grateful! She was there for me when I started my first injections, drove me to my retrieval, and kept my family updated with my status."

- Jen

Shift your thinking from what can go wrong to what can go right.

How does this sound?

Emotional support, knowledge & advice from an experienced friend.


the results you're going to get:

1:1 weekly coaching call & personalized assistance with your specific situation.


Nutritional recipes and inspiration (including mocktails, ladies!) 


Joining a global Community of women uplifting each other.


"Infertility can feel like such a lonely journey and it shouldn’t. You need a support group to cope with the highs and especially the lows. During my IVF journey, I went through 2 egg retrievals, 4 transfers and had 3 miscarriages.

I was fortunate to have Bethany to connect with and lean on during my most heartbreaking moments. It was difficult, but healing to talk about my experiences with someone who can empathize with what I was going through. It meant the world to me to have her love and support. 

It made my heart happy when Bethany became a mother and of course she showed up to celebrate my own miracle rainbow baby. I am lucky to have Bethany in my life, someone who is genuine, compassionate and has the best heart. I know she’s always rooting for the best for me and my family."

held out hope

"I was at a very low point after two miscarriages and two failed rounds of IVF egg retrievals. I wasn’t sure what my next move should be, but I wasn’t ready to give up.

I was fortunate enough to have a friend connect me with Bethany, who was so gracious in sharing her story with me and the path she took to success.

It completely changed my approach, and for the first time I gave myself permission to really try something new. That conversation with her was the turning point in my fertility journey that led me to success."

tripled her joy

Yes, It Really Works



stuck in the negative & need support

YOu WANT help figuring out possible insurance coverage

You need help navigating friends/family understanding IVF

You're overwhelmed by navigating fertility at work

You need to finally prioritize yourself and your fertility

Is This Right For You?

inquire →

I'd love to hear your story and learn more about if we may be a good fit for one another. Not everyone is a perfect match but it's sure great to connect and see! Book your 15 minute complimentary consult today. 

Book Your Consultation

is that a yes?

One day or day one, you decide.